• 1.

    How/where can I buy MBNA Home Insurance?

    You can get a quote through price comparison websites. Find out more about how this works.

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  • 2.

    Will my mobile phone be covered?

    Your mobile phone is covered, at home, if it's worth less than £1,500. If you want to cover it away from home, or if it's worth £1,500 or more, then you can add extra cover. Take a look at our policy booklet (PDF, 1.5MB) to find out more.

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  • 3.

    What is Accidental damage cover?

    This covers damage that's sudden, unexpected and not done on purpose. And caused by a specific, one-off event. For example, a football smashes your window. Or you spill a drink on your carpet. 

    It doesn't include damage that's due to lack of maintenance. Or damage that happens slowly over time. For example, if your roof leaks because it hasn't been looked after properly. Or your computer breaks down because it's old.

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  • 4.

    What is an excess?

    An excess is the amount you have to pay towards the cost of a claim. For example, if you have storm damage to your roof that costs £1,000 to repair, and your policy has an excess of £100, you pay the excess of £100 but can claim for the other £900.

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  • 5.

    What is Legal Expenses cover?

    This helps pay for legal bills if you or your family are involved in a legal claim. It covers a wide range of claim types. It even pays your net salary, minus any amount the court gives you during jury duty.

    You need to pay extra for this cover. So before adding it, take a look at our policy booklet (PDF, 1.5MB) to find out more. It gives you all the details and tells you everything you need to know.

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  • 6.

    What is Home Emergency cover?

    This helps pay for emergency repairs to make your home safe. This includes call out charges, labour and parts. This can be for things like electrics, plumbing, drainage, heating, roofing, and security. So if your boiler stops working, a pipe bursts, or your roof starts to leak - we can help. 

    You need to pay extra for this cover. So before adding it, take a look at our Home Emergency policy booklet (PDF, 1.9MB) to find out more. It gives you all the details and tells you everything you need to know about limits, terms and exclusions.

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  • 7.

    What is the difference between buildings and contents cover?

    Buildings insurance covers the structure of your home. This means your roof, walls, windows and ceilings. It also means permanent fixtures like your fitted kitchen and bathroom. It covers you against damage caused by things like fire, flood and storm.

    Contents insurance covers the things in your home. It's for the items you could take with you if you moved house. Things like furniture, clothing, electronic goods, carpets and curtains. It covers you against theft as well as damage caused by events like fire, flood and storm. 

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  • 8.

    What if I have other insurance elsewhere?

    Before you start a claim, check if you have other kinds of cover that could help, like gadget or mobile phone insurance. It might have a lower excess to pay.

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  • 9.

    Can I get documents in Braille, large print or audio CD?

    Yes, we can send you information in another format, like large print, Braille or audio CD. Please give us a call.

    If you have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us using the Relay UK Service.

    Or, if you're Deaf and a British Sign Language (BSL) user, you can use the SignVideo Service.

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