Your loan is for a fixed term with agreed regular monthly repayments. Making your loan repayments on time, means you'll avoid extra interest. You'll also avoid any negative effect to your credit file. This is important if you want to apply for credit in future.
If it’d help to move your repayment date to one that suits you better, you can change it up to 2 times in any 12-month period. Just bear in mind, this could change the amount of interest you’ll pay overall.
Be aware, payments can’t be scheduled between the 29th and 31st of each month as those aren’t recurring dates every month.
If you want to restart your Direct Debit online, you can reinstate it here.
So we can get a better feel for your finances and give you the right support, please fill out an online budget.
Fill out a budget before you call us
If you're having financial difficulties and are unable to make your normal monthly repayment, let us know. We're here to listen and help, without any judgement. Picking up the phone alone won't affect your credit score.
You can find some information here.
There is also lots of expert advice out there. Find out more on the money worries page of our website.